Who wrote the last book you read? Seth Godin? J.K. Rowling? Tim Ferriss? 

Now they’re household names. But these bestselling authors were just regular people before they published their books. Nothing says you’re an EXPERT like having a book published that you can touch.

Hi! I’m Julie Broad, founder of Book Launchers. And as a best-selling author myself who’s been through the pitfalls & successes, I created a free guide to help you called, The Book Selling Game Plan - 8 Ways to Sell 1000 books for Less Than $100. 

I want you to have this free PDF Gameplan to discover:

• The unexpected strategy that will maximize your exposure - (it’s right in front of you, but most people will overlook it).

Why press releases are a waste of money – (and what to do about it instead)

Five FREE ways to stand out on the Number One book resource – (most authors gloss right over these powerful ideas)

Simple ways to build your audience to maximum capacity – (high impact strategies for free, at your fingertips!)

How to piggyback onto other promotions for everyone’s benefit – (this technique raises your exposure as well as your industry’s!)